Dynamic Women Conference set for May 2-3 at WinStar
This article appeared in the March 2019 edition of the Chickasaw Times
Registration is now open for the 2019 Dynamic Women of the Chickasaw Nation Conference, May 2-3, at WinStar Convention Center in Thackerville, Okla. Dr. Amanda Cobb-Greetham, 2018 Dynamic Woman of the Year, is this year’s keynote speaker.
Registration deadline in Friday, March 29.
Dr. Cobb-Greetham serves as chair of the Native American Studies Department at the University of Oklahoma.
She previously served as a tenured associate professor of English at Oklahoma State University, specializing in Native American Studies.
She is known for her work as editor of the Chickasaw Press and is a former administrator of the Chickasaw Nation Division of History and Culture.
Dr. Cobb-Greetham worked as an assistant professor at New Mexico State University and later went on to serve as a tenured associate professor at the University of New Mexico.
While serving as a Native American Studies associate professor, Dr. Cobb-Greetham founded the Institute for American Indian Research.
She continues to research, write and curate museum exhibitions in addition to her duties as Director of Native American Studies at OU. Dr. Cobb-Greetham’s research examines the state of Oklahoma’s American Indian identity as portrayed in popular culture.
She has published articles in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including American Quarterly, American Studies, Studies in American Indian Literature and American Indian Quarterly.
Dr. Cobb-Greetham has previously directed the Chickasaw Nation’s language programs, museums and archives, as well as the Chickasaw Press - the first tribal publishing house of its kind.
The Press received the Harvard Award for Excellence in Tribal Self-Governance and two Oklahoma Book Awards during her tenure.
The artwork for this year’s conference was created by Paige Busick. Ms. Busick works with variety of mediums but specializes in painting with oils. She graduated from Harding Fine Arts Academy in May 2018.
The conference, themed “Conquer Life’s Opportunities,” is hosted by Chickasaw Nation Arts & Humanities.
This conference recognizes the strength and leadership of Chickasaw women from all walks of life and salutes their valuable contributions, talents and skills.
Deadline to register to attend is Friday, March 29.
Visit Chickasaw.net/DynamicWomen to register.
For more information, contact Kati Cain at (580) 272-5520 or Kati.Cain@Chickasaw.net.